Servo Motors with the Kitronik Board

Servo motors generally are design to move to any angle between 0 and 180 degrees.

Servo motors are great for robotic creatures, indicators and other projects where a specific angular turn is required.

Wire up

Connect the wire from the servo to the SERVOS 1 connector on the Kitronik board. Make sure the yellow wire connects to SIG and the brown wire to GND Connect a battery to the + and - connectors (+ to red) on the Kitronik board.

Wire up

Add the library

You need to add the Kitronik extension. Copy the file from the lib directory on github to the lib directory on the pico:

Add lib


Write this code and download to the Pico.

See code on github
# Test servo with kitronik robotics board

import PicoRobotics
import time

# Create robotics object
robot = PicoRobotics.KitronikPicoRobotics()

# Move servo 1 through different angles
robot.servoWrite(1, 20)
robot.servoWrite(1, 160)
robot.servoWrite(1, 90)

The motor should turn to the 3 angles.